Guided Meditation – Going Somewhere Peaceful

We are going to go on a little trip right now.  Like tele-transporting us to another place and another time.  

Gently close your eyes.  Relax your body.  Take a few deep breaths.  Breath in for 5 slowly, then out for 5 slowly.


Now, think of your favorite place to be in the whole wide world.  Take a moment to think about a place where you love to be, where you feel a deep sense of peace and calm.


It can be a beach, on a mountain, in your bed, anywhere you feel really safe and calm, and completely relaxed.  Somewhere you love to be.


It may be somewhere you have been recently or a while ago.


Once you have chosen your favorite place, imagine yourself there right now. (pause for ten seconds)


Notice how you feel in this place. (pause)

Look around and notice what you see.  (pause)


Notice the colors and the shapes of things around you.  (pause)


Notice if you hear any sounds . . . any smells . . . (pause)


Are you standing, sitting or lying down?


How does it feel . . .notice what your hands are touching and how it feels . . . Notice how you feel in this special place . . .

Slowly come back into the room and open your eyes.


How did your body feel when you are in that place?  You can go visit that place any time.  Enjoy!